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Perilla oil press equipment extraction equipment

  • Update at: 2017-12-22 11:51
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Description: Perilla oil can be extracted from Perilla frutescens, which contains 35-45% perilla oil. Perilla oil is rich in Omega three essential fatty acids α- Linolenic acid. As perilla oil is a kind of dry oil, it can be used to make waterproof coating of coa...

Perilla oil can be extracted from Perilla frutescens, which contains 35-45% perilla oil. Perilla oil is rich in Omega three essential fatty acids α- Linolenic acid. As perilla oil is a kind of dry oil, it can be used to make waterproof coating of coatings, varnishes, linoleum, ink, lacquerware and cloth, and also can be used as fuel.
The seed of Perilla frutescens contains 17% protein, 51.7% oil, 56.8% unsaturated fatty acid and linolenic acid, and 17.6% linoleic acid [1]. The seed of Perilla frutescens contains 25.7% lipids, including 0% - 80% triglycerides, diacylglycerol, monoacylglycerides, sterols, sterol esters, conjugated lipids and free fatty acids. The binding lipids include lecithin, lysolecithin, monogalactosyldiglyceride, cere broside, cephalin and phosphatidylserine. The main components of sterols are β- Sitosterol( β- In addition, they are octadecadienoic acid, octadecadienoic acid, hexadecanoic acid and octadecanoic acid.
Production process of perilla seed oil: Pumpkin Seed - shelling - pressing oil - refining - Product Oil - filling and packaging


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