Swida walteri (Wanger.) sojak is a deciduous tree of Cornaceae, with a height of 15 meters; Bark thick, dark brown, winter buds axillary, oblate conical, leaves opposite, papery, apex acuminate, base cuneate, dark green above, light green below, densely covered with gray white attached pubescence, lateral veins arcuate, petiole pubescent when young, glabrous later, corymbose cymes terminal, flowers dense, covered with gray white pubescence; The flowers are white, fragrant, green calyx lobes, dentate triangle, long round lanceolate petals, linear filaments, light yellow anthers, obvious disk, lower ovary, obovate receptacle, thin cylindrical pedicel, spherical drupe, bony nucleus, oblate ball, flowering in May; Results in September.
It is distributed in Liaoning, Hebei, southern Shanxi, East China, central China, South China and southwest China. It grows in mixed forest or dense forest with altitude of 300-1800 m and sparse density of 2600-3300 M.
It is a woody oil plant. The oil content of its fruit can reach 27-38%. It can be used as food or high-grade lubricating oil. The oil residue can be used as feed and fertilizer.
The production process of Cornus officinalis seed oil: Cornus officinalis seed crushing steaming frying squeezing refining product oil filling and packaging
Press method: press method has a long history, its process is relatively simple: the oil is extruded from the oil by mechanical method. It can completely ensure the nutrition of the oil is not lost, and the modern pressing method is an industrialized and automatic operation. There are cold pressing method and hot pressing method according to the pretreatment of raw materials.