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Almond seed oil press machine is the best cold oil press equipment

  • Update at: 2018-01-25 11:12
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Description: Almond is the seed of Rosaceae apricot, which is divided into sweet almond and bitter almond. It mainly contains protein, fat, sugar and trace amygdalin. The main components of fat are oleic acid and linoleic acid....

Almond is the seed of Rosaceae apricot, which is divided into sweet almond and bitter almond. It mainly contains protein, fat, sugar and trace amygdalin. The main components of fat are oleic acid and linoleic acid.
Almond oil, yellowish and transparent, with delicate fragrance, is not only an excellent edible oil, but also an advanced lubricant. It can withstand low temperatures below -20 degrees. It can be used as an important raw material for advanced paint, cosmetics and high quality soap, and can also extract essence and vitamins. Because almond has South apricot (sweet apricot) and North apricot (bitter apricot), it also has sweet apricot oil. Almond oil is rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, inorganic salts, dietary fiber and trace elements needed by human body. It has the functions of moistening lung, strengthening stomach and supplementing physical strength. Its amygdalin is a natural anticancer active substance.
Almond oil production process: apricot kernel - shelling - almond seed - crushing - steaming - oil extraction - refining - Product Oil - filling and packaging
Press method: press method has a long history, its process is relatively simple: the oil is extruded from the oil by mechanical method. It can completely ensure the nutrition of the oil is not lost, and the modern pressing method is an industrialized and automatic operation. There are cold pressing method and hot pressing method according to the pretreatment of raw materials.


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