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watermelon seed oil expeller commercial cold press oil machine seeds oil extraction machine

  • Update at: 2019-02-15 00:14
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Description: Watermelon seed is the seed of Cucurbitaceae plant watermelon, which can be used for food or medicine. Generally speaking, the seeds in our daily watermelon can also be made into watermelon seeds, but they are too small....

Watermelon seed is the seed of Cucurbitaceae plant watermelon, which can be used for food or medicine. Generally speaking, the seeds in our daily watermelon can also be made into watermelon seeds, but they are too small.
Watermelon seeds contain fatty oil, protein, vitamin B2, pentosan, starch, crude fiber, amino acid α- Amino- β-( Pyrazolyl-n) propionic acid. It also contains urease α- Galactosidase β- Galactosidase and sucrase. Watermelon seeds have been high nutritional oil, they contain precious oil. Remove seeds from skin, wash thoroughly and allow to dry. After the seeds are dried, the beneficial oil is extracted by cold pressing. Watermelon seed oil contains a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids. Linoleic acid and oleic acid are the main amino acids. Watermelon seed oil is light, easy to be absorbed by human body, does not block pores, and is rich in linoleic acid and oleic acid.
Chemical composition:
The main fatty acids in watermelon seed oil are linoleic acid and oleic acid.
30 g watermelon seed contains about 3 g of zinc (equivalent to 25% of the recommended dietary intake for women under 50 years old) and 2 g of iron (equivalent to 14%). 158 calories, more than 13 grams of fat.
Characteristics of watermelon seed oil
Light weight, non greasy, strong penetration, fast absorption, high moisturizing, moisturizing, rich in essential fatty acids, dissolving excess sebum, stable oil quality, ideal substitute for mineral oil
Watermelon seed oil can moisturize the skin and is used in personal care products. Watermelon seed oil is especially suitable for baby care products, and is a good baby softening oil.
Watermelon seed is no stranger to us. It is often eaten as a snack. For watermelon seed oil, many people are very unfamiliar, because the processing cost of watermelon seed oil is much higher than that of nuts, and the sales price is high. However, watermelon seed oil has high nutritional value. It contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are easily absorbed by human body, With high edible value and good health care function, it is deeply loved by consumers.
Watermelon seed oil refining equipment
There are many processing methods for watermelon seed oil. The quality of pressed watermelon seed oil is better, especially the cold pressed watermelon seed oil, which can be sold as high-grade edible oil. Some users choose other processing methods, but the pressing method is more used. This paper makes a simple analysis of pressed watermelon seed oil, hoping to give some suggestions to the users who invest in watermelon seed oil processing, To help.
1. The oil content of watermelon seed is still very high. To make cold pressed watermelon seed oil, the first step is to press it. You can use a hydraulic press for initial pressing. The crude oil extracted from watermelon seed has a relatively complete nutritional structure. In order to improve the oil yield, you can screw press again and purchase a screw press, which can fully improve the oil yield of watermelon seed and increase profits.
2. To process watermelon seed oil, refining is essential. The watermelon seed oil processed by oil press equipment alone has low quality and low edible value. It is generally not recommended to eat it directly. Only after the effective refining and impurity removal of refining equipment, can the healthy edible level be achieved. The actual refining effect of refining equipment determines the quality of watermelon seed oil.


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